

Kador Group





Hunger for Truth

This film is based on a Canadian reporter's unauthorised truth-telling trip through the starving Soviet heartland. It's interwoven with the story of a Ukrainian prisoner of war from Russia's invasion.

Nov. 25, 2023

On Nov 25th, 2023, Ukraine commemorated the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, or death by hunger, when millions starved to death in Europe's breadbasket after Stalin ordered the seizure of farmers' crops and food.

Tragically Putin and Russia's invading army tried to repeat this genocidal crime by destroying ports and pillaging billions of dollars worth of Ukrainian grain while sparking a worldwide food crisis. The only difference between 1933 and 2023 is that the world can see what's happening and that the Ukrainian army is fighting back.

90 years ago a few courageous journalists, like Canadian reporter Rhea Clyman, described Stalin's horrific man-made famine. This film is based on her unauthorized truth-telling trip through the starving Soviet heartland. It's interwoven with the story of a Ukrainian prisoner of war from Russia's invasion which really began in 2014.

The video is posted with the permission of the maker of this film, Andrew Tkach.