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US War in Ukraine

PUBLIC OPINION: Is Unwavering US Support for Ukraine a Must?

Kyiv Post hit the streets of New York City to find out what people think about the ongoing turmoil in Washing DC and the threat it poses to aid for Ukraine.

Oct. 6, 2023

Amid the fight in Congress to prevent a US government shutdown, the lack of new funding for Ukraine is a serious concern. The clock is ticking because the White House warns that Ukraine could be without vital aid in a few months. 

We go to the streets of New York to find out what ordinary Americans think about all this. What we found was nothing short of astonishing: an amazing consensus among the people we interviewed. They said that the US should continue to support Ukraine no matter what. Why? They see Russia as a major threat to democracy around the world, and believe that the world must unite to stop Russia.

Watch our video to hear what these people had to say and to better understand the public's view of the US-Ukraine partnership and its impact on global stability.