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Ukraine US

PUBLIC OPINION: Should Ukraine Strike Back Against Russia? - Kyiv Votes Yes, New York Hesitates

This time, we expanded our scope, conducting interviews in two cities: Kyiv, Ukraine, and New York, USA.

Aug. 18, 2023

Continuing our investigation into public opinion regarding the war in Ukraine, Kyiv Post correspondents once again took to the streets to gather firsthand perspectives on another contentious issue: Should Ukraine launch counterattacks against targets within Russia? This time, we expanded our scope, conducting interviews in two cities: Kyiv, Ukraine, and New York, USA.

Surprisingly, despite enduring the horrors of war for the past 17 months, Ukrainians, when asked, predominantly express support for retaliatory action by their country. However, they stress that any strikes should avoid civilian targets and residential areas.

Conversely, residents of New York City appear to oppose such retaliatory actions within Russia, fearing the potential escalation of the conflict and its transformation into a global catastrophe. Discover more insights by watching this video.