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Prigozhin’s Coup May Have Set Into Motion the Chaotic Collapse of the Russian Military

Chuck Pfarrer, a former Squadron Leader of the US Navy’s Seal Team Six, adviser to the "alphabet soup" of US intelligence, explains why Prigozhin's actions caused such serious instability in Moscow

Jun. 30, 2023

Prigozhin's coup attempt was a "black swan" event that put Moscow on edge and could be the beginning of Putin's end. 

Chuck Pfarrer, a former Squadron Leader of the US Navy’s Seal Team Six, adviser to the "alphabet soup" of US intelligence and counterterrorism organizations and Hollywood writer, explains why Prigozhin's actions caused such serious instability in the Moscow regime and why Russian soldiers - on any given day - could begin to refuse orders, starting the chaotic collapse of the Russian army - and the end of the war.