The Unintended Consequences of Surrogate Propaganda Hyperbolism
Jorge Conde
The Unintended Consequences of Surrogate Propaganda Hyperbolism
The Wagner Group is a perfect example of how the weaponization of propaganda can catastrophically backfire and why one should always caution from believing conjured hype.
Putin Is Right About One Thing: The War in Ukraine Is Not Just About Ukraine
Mark N. Katz
Putin Is Right About One Thing: The War in Ukraine Is Not Just About Ukraine
To deal effectively with Putin, the US and the West need to share his understanding that the Russo-Ukrainian War is part of a broader Russia-West conflict.
Ukraine’s Turning Point
Diane Francis
Ukraine’s Turning Point
Many positive developments are emerging in favor of Ukraine reaching a turning point in the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Moscow Musk
Diane Francis
Moscow Musk
News broke this week that Elon Musk has a couple of Russian oligarchs as investors in his “X” Twitter company. They are small shareholders, but his coziness with the Kremlin is nothing new.
We Did It Then, We Will Do It Now
Петро Котін
We Did It Then, We Will Do It Now
20 years ago both the Khmelnitsky and Rivne Nuclear Power Plants saw extensive development of their capability to support Ukraine’s energy requirements.
Modi’s Visit to Ukraine Opens Opportunities for India as Mediator
Simon Hutagalung
Modi’s Visit to Ukraine Opens Opportunities for India as Mediator
The evolving relationship between India and Ukraine offers India the potential of emerging as a mediator in the ongoing war. Yet despite the opportunities, geopolitical challenges.
Ukraine’s Audacity
Andrei Piontkovsky
Ukraine’s Audacity
With the West hesitant, like a deer caught in the headlights, only Ukraine has managed to muster up the boldness and fortitude required to lead the Free World against Russia.
Mateship Message Sent From Ukraine to Australia
Vasyl Myroshnychenko
Mateship Message Sent From Ukraine to Australia
On a recent visit back in his homeland, Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia conveyed greetings to Australians on the other side of the globe, thanking them for their continued support.
How President Biden’s ‘Russia Strategy’ Emboldened the Axis of Autocracy
Anna Magdalena Wielopolska
How President Biden’s ‘Russia Strategy’ Emboldened the Axis of Autocracy
Hopes that the next US president will adopt a bolder policy towards Russia are not only about Ukraine but preventing dictatorships threatening Western democracy and the rule of law.
Why the West Needs to Lift Its Restrictions on Weapons Donated to Ukraine
Hans Petter Midttun
Why the West Needs to Lift Its Restrictions on Weapons Donated to Ukraine
At times refraining from action when one is capable is as grievous as actual aggression. This is exactly what we are seeing with West’s insistence on handcuffing Ukraine.
Ukraine's Independence Day: A Beacon of Resistance
Dr. Orhan Dragas
Ukraine's Independence Day: A Beacon of Resistance
The Ukrainian people’s indomitable spirit shines brighter than ever, spotlighting Russia’s vulnerabilities and reminding the world that there is no room for a false peace.
A Spark of Light: Ukraine’s Energy Sector During Russia’s War
Mark Temnycky
A Spark of Light: Ukraine’s Energy Sector During Russia’s War
Ukraine has taken steps to integrate its energy market with the European Union’s and is pursuing alternatives as it seeks to distance itself from Russian energy and fossil fuels.