You're reading: Zubko wants to continue working on decentralization, energy efficiency reform

Deputy Prime Minister for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Public Utilities Hennadiy Zubko has said that after completing work in the Cabinet of Ministers he intends to continue working on decentralization and energy efficiency reform.

“I decided not to enter the Verkhovna Rada, and I did it. I am now fulfilling a mission to continue the reforms that we started as much as practical. This is a matter of decentralization and energy efficiency,” Zubko said in a comment to Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv in Thursday.

According to him, at the moment, his team at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Public Utilities has held consultations with political forces that have got in parliament on approaches to continue the reforms that have been launched, as well as the adoption of necessary bills in relevant areas.

“We also offered our vision of a new coalition agreement regarding our reforms,” the deputy premier added.

To a clarifying question, as whom in the future Zubko intends to continue supporting reforms, he replied that “after the government changes, we will think what to do next.”

“I’m more a manager than a politician … I will definitely fulfill my mission and in some status will ensure that the reform of decentralization and energy efficiency continues … How will this happen – as an expert, a politician – I won’t let it out of my field of vision,” said Zubko, answering a question about further political activity.

Regarding his return to the private sector, the deputy premier noted that since he came to politics from the business environment, he was impressed that in recent years they managed to bring project management to the public sector.

“This is a great story when you, as a manager, have the opportunity to create projects at the country level,” Zubko said.