You're reading: Vilkul, Kyva file documents with CEC to register as presidential candidates

Parliamentarians from the Opposition Bloc faction Oleksandr Vilkul and Illia Kyva, nominated for the presidency from the Socialist Party of Ukraine, have submitted documents to the Central Election Commission (CEC) to register as presidential candidates.

“I am submitting documents to the CEC to register as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine. I believe in the success of our entire team. Because it is the success of tens of millions of Ukrainians who want to live in a normal, peaceful country with a developed economy, industry and a rich population,” Vilkul wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday and published the corresponding live video.

Kyva also filed documents to register with the CEC on Tuesday.

“I’m going to win!” he wrote on his Facebook page and published a photo of his submission of documents to the CEC.