The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched flash mob #KupuiUMalykh (buy from small businesses) to help small businesses in Ukraine during quarantine imposed over the coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic in the world.
“During the quarantine period, micro, small and medium-sized businesses need special support. Why? Unstable demand, interruptions in the work of suppliers and quarantine do not contribute to business development, so it’s critical for them to stay afloat. How can you help? If possible, make an order with small entrepreneurs and share own impressions and photos with the hashtag #KupuiUMalykh,” the USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP) in Ukraine said on its Facebook page.
The Committee for Digital Transformation and Diia online public services platform, where you can find free products and services for entrepreneurs during quarantine, have already joined the flash mob.