You're reading: US Embassy hopes for speedy release of Ukrainian journalist Aseyev held in Donetsk

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv has expressed hope for the speedy release of Ukrainian journalist and publicist Stanyslav Aseyev, who is being held in areas of Donetsk region (ORDO) that are temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian government.

“Our hearts go out to Stanislav Aseyev on his birthday. Stanislav has been detained for the last two years by Russia-backed forces for simply reporting on violence and injustice in the so-called DNR. We hope for his swift release,” it said on Twitter on Oct. 1.

According to earlier reports, Aseyev, who lives in the territory of Donbas uncontrolled by Kyiv, was published in Ukrainian media under the nickname Stanyslav Vasin. It became known that the blogger disappeared on June 11, 2017, while the last time Aseyev made contact on June 2.

On June 16, 2017, Russia-backed separatists, controlling certain areas of Donetsk region, confirmed that Aseyev, who disappeared in occupied Donetsk, was detained on charges of espionage.

On October 1, 2019, Aseyev turned 30 years old.