You're reading: US deeply concerned about management crisis at Naftogaz Ukrainy

Washington is deeply concerned about the crisis in the management of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy and calls for intensifying measures to resolve this issue, U.S. Department of State spokesperson Ned Price has said.

“We are deeply concerned at the ongoing leadership crisis at Naftogaz, including the September 8th resignations of the Naftogaz independent board members,” Price said at a briefing on September 9.

Price said that Washington calls for intensifying efforts to resolve the issue and achieve sound management at Naftogaz.

“We welcome the Ukrainian government’s active engagement to resolve this issue positively,” Price said.

As reported, the Ukrainian government has received letters of resignation from all three independent members of the Naftogaz supervisory board: Clare Spottiswoode (Great Britain), Bruno Lescoeur (France), and Ludo Van der Heyden (Belgium). They believe that the appointment of Yuriy Vitrenko as Naftogaz CEO and his subsequent actions have sharply worsened relations between the supervisory and management boards, and also called into question the future of the company and its financial condition. The resignation of the supervisory board independent members, in their opinion, will give an opportunity to speed up the solution to this issue.