You're reading: UNIAN: Russia launches another fake story targeting Ukraine’s church

Russian ideologists have been working in full swing attempting to obstruct the rise of the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, employing a number of local loyalists of the Russian church like Luka, a Metropolitan of Zaporizhia and Melitopol, who recently called the granting of Tomos on autocephaly to Ukraine a “satanic project.”

However, the confrontation is also ongoing at a more global level, where real “heavy artillery” in the shape of Russian propaganda is required. As part of its ongoing efforts, Moscow recently launched a new fake story alleging a corruption scandal involving Ukrainian leadership and that of the Constantinople top clerics, which Russia claims will lead to the Constantinople delegation not coming to Ukraine to celebrate a 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, according to Information Resistance non-government OSINT group.

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