You're reading: UN: Number of children in occupied Crimea taught in Ukrainian plunges from 12,000 to 250

Only 249 children have the Ukrainian language as the language of instruction in Russia-occupied Crimea, according to the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine.

“According to our monitoring, there is no progress in implementing the ICJ Order on Crimea. The number of children educated in Ukrainian has dropped drastically: from 12,694 in 2013/2014 academic year to 249 children in 2018/2019 academic year,” the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission said on Facebook on Friday.

The UN called on Russia to act in accordance with the decision of the International Court of Justice on April 19, 2017, in particular, to ensure availability of education in the Ukrainian language in Crimea, and also to refrain from restrictions on the representative bodies of the Crimean Tatars, including the Mejlis.