You're reading: Ukrzaliznytsia repairs 44 locomotives in 5 months

Ukrzaliznytsia in January-May 2018 repaired 44 locomotives, carried out more than 3,100 repairs of traction rolling stock at the subordinate enterprises and the production divisions of the regional branches.

“In conditions when the inventory of locomotives is almost completely worn out, and new equipment under the contract with GE is expected, our units must ensure high-quality and timely repairs and upgrades. In the five months of this year, 44 locomotives were overhauled,” the press service of Ukrzaliznytsia said, citing acting chairman Yevhen Kravtsov.

In addition, the production units of Ukrzaliznytsia carried out more than 3,100 repairs of locomotives, including more than 2,400 repairs of electric locomotives and 690 diesel locomotives.

“In order to ensure the transportation process by the working traction rolling stock, Ukrzaliznytsia is implementing programs to restore the operating fleet of locomotives, which foresees putting into operation 384 locomotives in the first and second quarters of 2018. As of June 1 some 216 locomotives had been upgraded,” the company said.