You're reading: Ukrainian political prisoner Klykh under care of psychiatrist

Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denysova has said that, according to the information provided by Russian Ombudswoman Tatyana Moskalkova, Ukrainian political prisoner Stanislav Klykh is receiving care at a branch of the “Psychiatric Hospital. ”

“Klykh in December wrote an open letter in which he reported on his critical state of health – possible gangrene and suspicion of cancer. And I again urgently appealed to Moskalkova and Mikhail Fedotov [presidential adviser, Chairman of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights under Russian President Vladimir Putin]. Now Moskalkova, referring to Russian jailers, reports that Klykh is in satisfactory condition under the supervision of a psychiatrist and is receiving treatment at the Psychiatric Hospital,” Denisova said on Facebook on Jan. 2.

Denysova in December reported on Klykh’s deteriorating health and intention to start a hunger strike. She then appealed to Moskalkova and Fedotov to intervene and ensure Klykh received necessary medical attention.