You're reading: Ukrainian law on transition to new church published, to take effect on Jan. 31

The law outlining a mechanism regarding changes in subordination for religious communities signed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has been published in the newspaper Holos Ukrainy.

The law was passed by the Rada on January 17.

Under the law, the state recognizes the right of a religious community to change its subordination by registering a new edition of its charter or amending its current charter.

A decision on changing subordination will be made by the assembly of a religious community. Such an assembly would be called by its members. A decision will require the votes of two-thirds of a quorum and will need to be signed by members of the religious community who support it.

Changes in the subordination of religious communities will not affect the property rights of such communities. Members who disagree with such a decision will have the right to create a new community and sign a contract on procedures for using the house of worship and property with the owner (user). These changes will be made to the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations.

The Law on the State Registration of Legal Entities, Private Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Entities will also be amended.

The law will take effect the day after its publication.