You're reading: Ukrainian Joint Forces commander Nayev meets foreign fighters involved in Donbas operation

Ukraine’s Joint Forces Commander Serhiy Nayev has visited a base hosting troops from other countries during a trip to the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) zone in Donbas.

“Joint Forces Commander Lieut. Gen. Serhiy Nayev has visited a unit which hosts soldier volunteers from other states. The frank talk that took place on the forward positions focused on problems to be solved to ensure reliable defense of our positions,” the JFO said on its Facebook page on Saturday.

One volunteer, Olga Chikhelidze-Batagova, said that Nayev visited the 25th battalion and “talked not to the commanders… but to the soldiers.”

“He asked about problems and needs…, promised to solve and help,” Chikhelidze-Batagova wrote on Facebook.

She also posted a video footage showing Nayev talking to volunteers from Georgia.

On May 1 Kyiv changed the format of its operation in Donbas from “anti-terrorist operation” led by the Security Service of Ukraine since April 2014, into a Joint Forces Operation controlled by the Defense Ministry and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.