You're reading: Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Dnipro water to be supplied to de-occupied Crimea

The position of Ukraine remains unchanged, the Dnipro water will be supplied to the de-occupied Crimea, MFA Spokesperson Oleh Nikolenko has said.

“We must understand that the problem of water resources has aggravated amid the massive Russian militarization of the Crimean peninsula. The more Russia builds military bases in Crimea, the less water will remain for the needs of the civilian population. The Russian Federation, as an occupying state, must fully realize its responsibility,” Nikolenko told Interfax-Ukraine on June 8.

“The ultimate goal of Ukraine’s efforts should be the complete de-occupation of Ukrainian territories – both the Crimean peninsula and separate areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.

Earlier, spokesperson of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) and adviser to the head of the President’s Office Oleksiy Arestovych said that Ukraine can change its position on the resumption of water supplies to temporarily occupied Crimea “only in terms of very serious concessions from Russia.”

“(…) for example, the water in Crimea can be exchanged for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements, the withdrawal of troops from Donbas, the return of ORDLO on our terms,” Arestovych said.