You're reading: Ukraine’s State Border Service steps up security on the border pending April 21 runoff

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is taking measures to strengthen border security pending preparations for the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine.

“The reinforcement measures, as was the case during the first round of the elections, are aimed primarily at avoiding provocations at the state border, shipment of weapons, ammunition, explosives and other means of terror. And also at preventing people who may participate in destabilizing events in Ukraine during the election period,” the agency’s press service said on Monday.

In general, about 6,000 border guards per day are on duty on the state border during the elections in the second round. In addition, more than 1,300 people will be additionally involved in stepping up the security measures every day.

To ensure measures at checkpoints and outside of them, border patrols have been strengthened, the use of technical means and service dogs has been intensified, and the procedure for interaction with other law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been clarified.

In addition, special attention is paid to the entry into Ukraine of international observers and accredited media representatives, especially pro-Russian media. They can cross the border if they are on preliminary lists of persons who have received accreditation with the Central Election Commission (CEC). During the border control of these categories of persons, border guards are actively cooperating with the Security Service of Ukraine, the CEC, the National Police and other law enforcement agencies.

The second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine is to be held on April 21.