You're reading: Ukraine to hold aerial survey of dolphins in Black Sea

In the summer of 2019, the project of the European Union starts, which provides for conducting a special extended international dolphin aerial survey in the Black Sea with photo and video recording, the press service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine reported.

Scientists from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Monaco participate in a two-year study.

“We have contradictory information about the number of dolphins in the Black Sea, but it is obvious that there are problems with their protection. They concern not only Ukraine. I am glad that our scientists will also take part in this project,” said Minister Ostap Semerak.

He noted that in addition to aviation accounting, the number of dead dolphins in fishing nets would be monitored. It also assumes the polling of fishermen and observers on fishing vessels, and an examination of dead dolphins, which the waves throw ashore. These data are essential for developing measures to prevent the death of these unique marine animals.

In addition, the ministry also announced the extension of another important scientific study in the Black Sea, in which Ukraine had previously participated.

“The large-scale EU/UNDP EMBLAS-Plus project will be continued. Ukraine is also an active participant. These marine studies will allow assessing the state of the Black Sea by all indicators stipulated in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive,” the ministry said.

As noted, the EU/UNDP project EMBLAS-Plus, in particular, provides for conducting joint Ukrainian-Georgian studies on the high seas, supporting new national monitoring of marine waters, approved last year, and carrying out a number of practical measures to improve the state of the Black Sea.