Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba of Ukraine has appealed to the Council of the European Union to provide more air defense systems to Ukraine and impose sanctions on Iran, as well as the ninth package of restrictions – on Russia.

That’s according to Kuleba’s tweet, seen by Ukinform.

“I’m probably the first foreign minister to address EU FAC from a bomb shelter because of the air raids siren. Requested more air defense & supply of ammo. Called on EU to impose sanctions on Iran for providing Russia with drones. 9th EU sanctions package on Russia must be strong,” Kuleba tweeted.

As reported earlier, the EU foreign ministers at the meeting in Luxembourg on October 17 intend to adopt a package of sanctions against Iran in connection with the violation of human rights, and will also consider the evidence regarding Iran’s involvement in the supply of weapons to Russia.


Four kamikaze drone strikes were confirmed in Kyiv on Monday morning. A residential building was hit in the Shevchenkivskyi district. Three civilians were killed in the attack, according to preliminary reports.

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