You're reading: Skorokhod, Poliakov expelled from Servant of the People faction

Members of the Parliament Anna Skorokhod and Anton Poliakov have been expelled from Servant of the People faction, their colleague Oleksandr Dubinsky reported.

“We expelled Poliakov and Skorokhod. The majority voted for expel of two voter fraudsters,” he wrote on Telegram channel.

Deputy head of the faction Oleksandr Korniyenko has confirmed such information to the journalists at the faction’s sitting on Now. 15.

“They were expelled for breach of agreement on a common position on those issues on which the faction had elaborated a common position,” he said.

Commenting on the faction’s decision, MP Skorokhod said: “Now we can speak without hesitation what we think and really vote for the president’s program, not for those lobbying laws that are punched to us under the slogans and under the auspices of the president’s laws. We never stepped against the president, on the contrary, we have always supported him and will continue to support him.”

In turn, Poliakov said that the faction’s allegations were unreasonable.

“There was no evidence that I voted the worst, or did not vote, or missed the sittings. It is an absolute nonsense. When I put to the vote the decision to expel ‘voter fraudsters’ since we are such an honest faction “and we promised in the memorandum before the elections. We put to the vote: only 10-15 people supported this decision, that is, the faction allows fraud the voting. There is no a definite evidence for what I do not correspond to, except that I wrote in my Telegram channel,” said the MP.

Poliakov accused the head of the Servant of the People faction David Arakhamia that first he says how personal position is important, and then expel people from the faction.