You're reading: SBU: 6 different Russian attacks made on Ukrainian navy vessels near Kerch Strait

Russian forces made six different attacks on Ukrainian seamen in Kerch Strait area and it is miraculous they survived, Deputy SBU State Security Service chief Oleh Frolov has said.

“Ukrainian naval vessels became a target for the Russian military, which boldly practiced their skills in using various types of weapons. In fact, Ukrainian soldiers survived by a miracle. They survived six different types of attacks,” Frolov said during a briefing on November 29 in Kyiv.

Frolov said the Ukrainian harbor tugboat Yany Kapu was first rammed by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) ship Don. A Russian SU-30 multi-role fighter jet next fired two missiles at the vessels, as did a Ka-52 Russian reconnaissance and attack helicopter. The aircraft aimed at the holds where the Ukrainian seamen were located. Finally, Russian special forces physically abused the Ukrainian seamen after boarding the vessels.

“The sixth type of violence continues today – physical and psychological pressure and unlawful arrest of all 24 of our military, as well as their attempts to concealment of information about the state of health of three Ukrainian detainees injured as a result of the attacks,” Frolov said.