You're reading: SAPO head approves updated indictment in Krayan plant case

Head of Ukraine’s Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) Nazar Kholodnytsky has approved the updated indictment in the criminal case related to the embezzlement of funds during the purchase of buildings of Krayan plant, involving Odesa City Mayor Hennadiy Trukhanov and other persons.

As SAPO reported on its Facebook page on May 27, changing the indictment does not concern the legal qualification of the actions of the accused. At the same time, taking into account the evidence examined, the prosecutors changed the factual circumstances in which the accomplices committed the alleged acts. “In particular, the factual circumstances of the crime under Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding determining the amount of city budget funds that the accomplices took possession of by implementing a plan for the sale of buildings of the former Krayan plant at an inflated price (to Hr 92.659 million) were changed,” SAPO reported.

The next court hearing in this case is scheduled for May 31.

As reported, in September 2016, the Odesa City Council acquired the building, which was previously part of the integrated property complex of state-owned enterprise (SOE) Krayan Plant, for Hr 185 million from a private company, which, in turn, paid for this complex Hr 11.5 million at a tender held at the beginning of 2016 and organized by the liquidator of the SOE.

The company-seller received Hr 185 million from the mayor’s office and tried to forward it to a company with signs of the shell company. However, the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and SAPO prosecutors prevented this attempt and secured the seizure of the accounts of the company seller.