You're reading: Saakashvili to present his Ukraine development program in Poland on June 3

Ex Georgian President and leader of the New Forces Movement Mikheil Saakashvili has announced that on June 3 in Przemysl, Poland, he will present a development program for Ukraine that will be “absolutely a new model” of the country.

“On June 3, we will hold an event in Przemysl, on the border with Ukraine, where I will present my development program and an entirely new model of the Ukrainian state,” Saakashvili said at a press conference in The Hague on Tuesday.

Saakashvili said he intends to continue his struggle for changing the political system both in Ukraine and in Georgia. “This year we have presidential elections in Georgia, and the person I will support, I hope, will win in these elections. In parallel, I am engaged in processes in Ukraine, because for me it is a joint struggle,” he said.

The ex-president of Georgia reiterated that he does not have political ambitions in Ukraine, but he wants Ukraine to be a democratic country. He said members of his team should be represented in the Ukrainian government.

Saakashvili said he supports holding so-called popular primaries, and predicts that as a result of such primaries, new, unexpected political leaders could emerge.