You're reading: Relatives of Kremlin’s political prisoners hold rally at Bankova Street

Relatives of political prisoners of the Kremlin are holding a rally outside the building of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine on Bankova Street in Kyiv, and they have already had a conversation with First Deputy Chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Gerashchenko, who represents Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group.

According to an Interfax-Ukraine reporter, about 20 people gathered for the rally. They are holding posters with the inscriptions “We are waiting for a meeting with the president” and “No one is dealing with captives.”

Gerashchenko came out to the participants to answer their questions. In particular, she said that a meeting involving relatives of political prisoners, the ombudsperson and other interested persons would be held on February 22.

She also confirmed that the issue of the release of political prisoners had constantly been raised at meetings in Minsk.

At the same time, Gerashchenko stressed that the issue of the release of convicts and those illegally held in the annexed Crimea remains more problematic since Russia so far refuses to resort to any negotiations on the peninsula, in particular, on the release of prisoners.