You're reading: Rada calls on international community to send vessels to Black Sea

The Verkhovna Rada has approved a statement to be sent out to the United Nations, the European Parliament, several other international organizations, and parliaments of foreign countries in connection with a recent act of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

This decision received 272 votes in the parliament on November 28 late night.

The statement says the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calls on the international community to take effective measures to stop Russia’s aggression both on land and in the sea, tighten the current sanctions against Russia, and impose new sanctions on that country pending a comprehensive restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The parliament also calls on international organizations to send their observers to the areas close to the Black Sea, Azov Sea and Kerch Strait and suggests that maritime nations send some of their naval vessels to that region to help avoid further escalation of tensions from Russia’s side.

The Verkhovna Rada also calls on Ukraine’s international partners to broaden their military and other kinds of assistance to Ukraine to help it protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“We call on the international community to respond properly to challenges and threats that are being brought forward by the Russian Federation because pacification policy has already led to the occupation of part of Ukraine’s territory—the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” the statement reads.

Also, the statement says that the construction of North Stream 2 is being carried out not for the sake of Europe but for the sake of Russia and, as such, is posing a threat to the security of the entire Baltic region and North Europe.

The Ukrainian parliament said that if Russia is not punished for its aggressive policy and actions, it may lead to consequences on the global scale.