You're reading: Pretrial investigation into Dobkin case finished

The pretrial investigation into the criminal case against former Kharkiv Mayor and Ukrainian MP from the Opposition Bloc faction Mykhailo Dobkin has been finished, Larysa Sarhan, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian prosecutor general, reported.

“The main investigations department under procedural control of prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) of Ukraine has finished the pretrial investigation into the criminal case against former Kharkiv Mayor Mykhailo Dobkin on suspicion of committing crimes under Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 190, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 364 Part 2 of Article 15, Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 190, Part 2 of Article 15, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Case of Ukraine, his former deputy, director of the Department for Urban Development, Architecture and Land Relations of Kharkiv City Council, and former head of the Department for Urban Development and Architecture, main architect of Kharkiv under Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 264, Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 90 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, former head of the Department for Land Relations of Kharkiv City Council under Part 2 of Article 15, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 364, Part 2 of Article 15, Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, representatives of the service cooperative and consumer society under Part 4 of Article 190, Part 3 of Article 15, Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,” Sarhan wrote on her Facebook page.

During the pretrial investigation, former Kharkiv mayor, his deputy and director of the Department for Urban Development, Architecture and Land Relations of Kharkiv City Council, former head of the Department for Urban Development and Architecture and main architect of Kharkiv, and former head of the Department for Land Relations of Kharkiv City Council “abused their power in collusion with a group of persons, acted in favor of the founders of the service cooperative and consumer society and assisted the latter in illegal seizure of land plots in Kharkiv by fraud,” Sarhan said.

The representatives of the service cooperative and consumer society with the help of Kharkiv City Council officials mentioned above-seized land plots of more than 74 hectares in Kharkiv and caused damage to the territorial community of Kharkiv for Hr 230 million, which is 600 times higher than non-taxable minimum income.

“The materials of the pre-trial investigation have been passed to the defense team in line with Article 290 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,” reads the message.