You're reading: Portnov says Poroshenko administration controlled wiretaps of foreign diplomats

Ex-Presidential Administration Deputy Head under disgraced ex-President Viktor Yanukovych has said the administration of ex-President Petro Poroshenko “used phone calls to keep track of” petitions of law enforcement agencies to intercept communications of foreign diplomats and ambassadors, and also intervened in the litigation on the distribution of private joint-stock company Naftogazvydobuvannia’s shares.

“Friends, today held a conversation with Anton Chernushenko – the former head of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, at the request of which SBI (State Bureau of Investigations) launched an investigation into the facts of the rude interference of Poroshenko and ex-Presidential Administration Deputy head Oleksiy Filatov in court activity. Anton Chernushenko again confirmed information that the Poroshenko administration used phone calls to keep track of petitions of law enforcement officers to authorize the interception of foreign diplomats, including the ambassadors of France, Germany, Belarus and the IMF mission in Ukraine,” Portnov said on Facebook on July 30.

Portnov said Chernushenko confirmed Poroshenko’s direct intervention in a legal dispute on the distribution of PJSC Naftogazvydobuvannia’s shares and influence on the court’s decision to arrest the shares of a large major agro-industrial company.

“For these episodes, we have drawn up a plan of procedural actions and coordination of legal work. Friends, this is another criminal case on which Poroshenko and Filatov will need to spend time on the investigative agenda they are already accustomed to. They need to prepare to be interrogated and punished in this case,” Portnov said.