You're reading: Poroshenko at meeting with Bolton: Common position of civilized world will stop Russia

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is sure that the common position of the civilized world with the U.S. at the head will be able to stop the aggression of Russia.

“Football championships, wedding dances, gifts of gas streams will not stop Moscow. Moscow will be stopped by the united position of the civilized world with the global leadership of our partners – the United States of America,” Poroshenko said opening a meeting with U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton in Kyiv on Friday.

He thanked Bolton for the sanctions the U.S. has imposed on Russia and the Crimea declaration.

Sanctions are effective and force Moscow to pay a great price for “the violations of international law which it has been committing for the past four-and-a-half years,” Poroshenko said.

Anti-Russian sanctions are not a punishment, but “an incentive for Russia to return to civilized society, withdraw its troops from Crimea and Donbas,” and “honor and respect international law,” Poroshenko said.

Bolton’s visit to Ukraine on its Independence Day is a sign of the U.S.’ support for Ukraine’s policy, he said.