You're reading: Poll: Ukrainians trust volunteers, army, rescuers, church the most

Ukrainians trust volunteer organizations, Ukraine’s Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service and the church the most, according to the results of a survey by the Kyiv-based Razumkov Center.

According to the sociological research, published by the center on Wednesday, 67 percent of respondents trust volunteer organizations, 62 percent mentioned Ukraine’s Armed Forces, 61 percent the State Emergency Service and the church each, and 57 percent volunteer battalions.

The institutions which are trusted more often than not include the State Border Service of Ukraine (52 percent of respondents trust, 36 percent do not trust), Ukraine’s National Guard (50 percent and 38 percent, respectively), Ukrainian media (49 percent and 43 percent), and public organizations (45 percent and 41 percent).

The most mistrusted organizations include state agencies (officials) – 83 percent do not trust them, 83 percent of the pollees do not trust Russian media, 82 percent Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, 78 percent the judicial system, 77 percent political parties, and 75 percent Ukraine’s government agencies and commercial banks.

Some 71 percentrespondents do not trust Ukraine’s president, 70 percent state prosecutors, 68 percent the National Bank of Ukraine, 65 percent the Supreme Court and the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) each, 64 percent the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the National Agency on Preventing Corruption (NACP) each, 62 percent the Anti-corruption Court and the Constitutional Court each, and 58 percent trade unions.

The nationwide study was conducted by the sociological service of Razumkov Center from February 7 to February 14, 2019, in all regions of Ukraine, except in Russia-occupied Crimea and the occupied areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Some 2,016 respondents aged 18 and older took part. The margin of error of survey results does not exceed 2.3 percent