You're reading: OSCE claims persons involved in murder of journalist Sheremet should face trial

All involved in the death of journalist Pavel Sheremet should be brought to justice, said Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir.

He said at a press conference in Kyiv on Feb. 6 that in December 2019, (Ukrainian) authorities named five persons in connection with the case of Pavel Sheremet … He added he heard that there much still needs to be done in this investigation, and stressed that in his opinion it is absolutely necessary that all involved would be brought to trial.

Desir also drew attention to the need to investigate the attack on Ukrainian activist Kateryna Handziuk.

He said the OSCE was shocked by the crime against Kateryna Handziuk, who died in November 2018. Five men were sentenced to prison terms of three to six and a half year for organizing and carrying out an attack on Kateryna Handziuk. Desir is convinced that more people were involved, emphasizing the importance of all those involved in this attack being brought to justice and held accountable.

Desir said that intimidation, harassment of the media in Ukraine continues to take place, and he regularly raises this issue in negotiations with the Ukrainian authorities.

Desir said that the death of journalist and blogger Vadym Komarov in Cherkasy in June 2019 was a reminder of the dangers faced by journalists, including local journalists, especially those investigating corruption topics.

He pointed out that there are no signs of progress yet in the investigation of the attack on Komarov, and stressed that impunity in this case is unacceptable.

Desir also added that the OSCE continues to call for the release of all civilian journalists in custody, such as Nariman Memedinov, Osman Arifmemetov, Rustam Sheikhaliev, Remzi Bekirov. He also added that during his visit to Ukraine he would meet with journalist Stanislav Aseyev, released from captivity of Russia-led forces in occupied Donetsk.

Desir also touched on the topic of searches on the Ukrainian 1+1 TV channel.

“I am concerned by the search of the newsroom of 1+1 TV Channel, and that computers and belongings of journalists were seized. I call on the authorities to ensure that the inquiry does not obstruct the work of the media and to respect the principle of confidentiality of journalistic sources which is recognized internationally,” Désir said.

“I am particularly concerned that such actions may have a chilling effect on the work of all media. The protection of journalistic sources is a key element of media freedom and especially of investigative journalism,” he added.