You're reading: Orban calls for not mixing relations between Hungary, Ukraine, Russia

The relations between Budapest and Kyiv cannot be regarded in light of Hungarian-Russian relations, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.

“When media are reporting about the relations between Hungary and Ukraine, very frequently they are explaining this situation in the Russian-Hungarian context for some reasons. I think that it is unacceptable. Our relations with Ukraine should be interpreted in light of Hungarian-Ukrainian relations. I think that this is the only way to understand the situation,” Orban said at a press conference following talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hungary in the relations with Ukraine “is expressing its position, taking its national interests into account,” he said. “Here, mixing up one issue with another one is misleading us. We, that is, the Hungarian side, are resolving our own domestic problems and fighting for our own national interests,” Orban said.

The Hungarian prime minister said he hopes for improving the relations with Ukraine. “There will be no exaggeration to say that the previous Ukrainian government has pursued an anti-Hungarian policy, while there is a new leadership now, and we hope for new positive opportunities,” he said.

He also hopes that in the future Hungary will manage to establish a positive dialogue with Ukraine and resolve the issues with the Hungarian minority in that country.

“I am optimistic about the future, I hope that we will manage to reach substantial progress in weeks and months to come, but only if we manage to push through our interests,” Orban added.

On Wednesday, Hungary vetoed down the NATO ambassadors’ joint statement on Ukraine, which is to be adopted by the North Atlantic Council, which is on a visit in Ukraine. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said at the Eurasian Forum in Budapest that Hungary “is not ready to sacrifice the interests of 150,000 ethnic Hungarians, who live in western Ukraine, for geopolitical interests,” according to the Daily News Hungary website.