You're reading: Naftogaz transfer Hr 83.7 billion in taxes, dividends to budget

NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy and its member companies paid Hr 83.7 billion in taxes and dividends to the national budget in January-September 2019, the company’s press service said.

Budget payments from the group accounted for about 15 percent of total budget revenue for the nine months of 2019, the company’s press service said.

As reported, in 2018 Naftogaz and its affiliated companies paid Hr 137.8 billion in taxes and dividends to the state budget in 2018, which was 27.2 percent more than in 2017. In particular, dividends were paid in the amount of Hr29.5 billion, oil and gas production royalties totaled Hr 28.5 billion, VAT payments stood at Hr 37.4 billion, payments of corporate profit tax were Hr 23.9 billion.

Naftogaz brings together the country’s biggest oil and gas producers. It holds a monopoly on the transit of natural gas and its storage in underground facilities and on the transportation of crude oil by pipeline throughout Ukraine.