You're reading: Naftogaz files complaint to European Commission against Gazprom

Naftogaz Ukrainy has filed a complaint with the European Commission about the anticompetitive actions of Gazprom (Russia), Naftogaz Executive Director Yuriy Vitrenko has said.

“In this complaint, we analyze in detail how thanks to Nord Stream 2, blocking virtual reverse, control over companies in the European gas market, Gazprom abuses its dominant position and limits competition,” he said on Facebook.

According to Vitrenko, the documents sent to the EC substantiate the rights of Naftogaz to file this complaint as a non-EU company and contain specific mechanisms for solving the problems indicated in the complaint.

“The complaint was prepared jointly with the leading European experts and lawyers. I remember when I first told them how and at the expense of what Gazprom abuses its position in the European market, they began to look at the situation differently,” Vitrenko said.