You're reading: Mykolaiv regional governor interrogated as part of probe into Voloshyn’s death

The investigation found no evidence that Vladyslav Voloshyn, acting director of Mykolaiv International Airport and a former military pilot and veteran of Donbas war, could have committed suicide as a result of the pressure exerted on him, but this theory has not yet been removed, the main directorate of the National Police in Mykolaiv region has reported.

“Now, studying the materials in criminal proceedings, I do not see any grounds that could say that Vlad committed this tragic act just under pressure. But I want to say again that this is not removed, we continue to check this theory,” the head of the main directorate of the National Police in Mykolaiv region, Yuriy Moroz, said at a briefing on March 26.

He added that Head of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration Oleksiy Savchenko had been questioned as part of the pretrial investigation.

“Being interrogated, the head of the regional state administration, Savchenko, showed that he had only working relations with Voloshyn, which consisted precisely in providing assistance in obtaining technical permits to obtain airport certification. There have never been any threats and obligation to signing certain documents,” Moroz said.

As reported, Voloshyn committed suicide in his own apartment in Mykolaiv on March 18. He was urgently hospitalized but died at the ambulance hospital. According to preliminary report, he shot himself from a Makarov pistol with no marking.

“According to relatives, the deceased had recently been depressed and expressed alarming intentions,” the police said.

Criminal proceedings were opened under Part 1, Article 115 of the Criminal Code (premeditated murder), as required by the procedure in similar cases. The investigation is underway.

Investigators are probing five theories behind Voloshyn’s death.

“Five theories behind this crime are being considered – suicide in a state of emotional unrest, suicide committed due to professional activity in the post of acting director, suicide due to family relationship, suicide due to possible conflicts during the service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and an accident caused by careless handling of firearms,” the media liaisons office of Mykolaiv regional police reported on March 20.