Russian troops launched a missile attack on the infrastructure of the regional branch of Lviv Railway in Yavoriv district, but there were no reports of casualties, head of Lviv Regional Military Administration Maksym Kozytsky said on Tuesday morning, May 16.

“At night, the enemy launched a missile attack on the infrastructure of the regional branch of Lviv Railway in Yavoriv district. The explosion damaged the railway infrastructure. There were no reports of injuries or deaths. Previously, the missiles were flying from the east,” he wrote on Facebook.

In turn, mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy, specified that windows had been blown out in the houses adjacent to the impact site. “And this is all within a 20-kilometer zone to the border with the European Union,” he wrote in Telegram.
Also, air defense units of the West Air Command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down three cruise missiles fired at the territory of Lviv region.


According to Sadovy, last night there were two air raids and two massive waves of rocket sorties in Lviv region.

“Not a single missile landed in Lviv. The air defense forces worked well. Therefore, we do not know if our city was the target this time… It really was one of the largest attacks on Lviv region in terms of the number of missiles,” the mayor said.

He urged the people of Lviv not to ignore the air raid signals and not to photograph the arrivals of missiles and the work of air defense.

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