You're reading: Mingarelli highly appreciates Ukraine’s achievements in educational reform

Hugues Mingarelli, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, marked Ukraine’s achievements in the field of education reform.

“What you have been able to achieve in this short time under difficult conditions are extraordinary and exceptional achievements. What you have achieved over the past year is that not many people in many countries could boast of such results,” he said at the educational forum “All-Ukrainian August Conference” in Kyiv on August 19.

The diplomat added that the decentralization reform is one of the main achievements of the current government, including in education.

He noted the importance of public resources for education becoming available to local authorities.

Mingarelli said that a new program will be launched, where 58 million euros will be provided for the reform of vocational education in Ukraine.

In addition, he noted that a new reform support team will be created in the Ministry of Education and Science to continue the ongoing state reform of public administration.