You're reading: Malyshev Plant, Morozov Design Bureau to supply new batch of modernized T-84 tanks to Ukraine’s Armed Forces

State-owned enterprise (SOE) Malyshev Plant and SOE Kharkiv Morozov Machine-Building Design Bureau are preparing another batch of modernized T-84 tanks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the press service of the Ukroboronprom State Concern reported on Wednesday.

According to the report, the tanks were repaired at Malyshev Plant and modernized at Morozov Machine-Building Design Bureau. Electronic systems were replaced, protected digital radio stations were installed and sighting complex was modernized.

The concern said that these measures will significantly increase the combat efficiency of T-84 tanks in all weather conditions both during the day and at night, under enemy’s use of active or passive obstacles on the battlefield in the radio, infrared and optical range.

As soon as all the works are completed, the batch of T-84 tanks will undergo tests in the presence of the Ministry of Defense representatives.

The main battle tank T-84 is in service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is equipped with a 125-mm autoloader-equipped gun, capable of firing controlled precision anti-tank missiles with a target destruction range of about 5 km. Almost 50-tonne T-84 tank can speed up to 70 km per hour thanks to 1,200 HP engine. The tank is protected with up-to-date Ukrainian reactive armor and electro-optical countermeasures system.