You're reading: Lviv region expecting 20 percent increases in tourist flow in 2018

The number of tourists visited Lviv region in 2018 would increase by 20 compared with 2017, the press service of the tourism and resorts department of the Lviv Regional Administration has reported.

“Lviv region is expecting over 3 million guests this year. Over 70 percent would be Ukrainians and the rest – foreigners: Poles, Germans, French, Belarusians, Chinese, Turks and Spaniards. It is projected that the tourist flow would increase by 20 percent. Most of tourists would arrive in summer – around 35 percent,” the department said in response to the inquiry of Interfax-Ukraine.

The department said that the increase in tourist flow in summer is linked to hosting Tu Stan, Skhidnytske Lito, Zaxid Fest, Radostno Fest, Leopolis Jazz Fest, LvivMozArt and other festivals.

According to a poll conducted by the tourism and resorts department, average annual occupancy of hotels in Lviv region is around 70 percent.

According to the information of the department, the tourist fee in the summer period of 2018 is expected at the level of Hr 3.4 million, which is 26 percent more than in the same period of 2017. The tourist fee for the whole of 2017 was Hr 10.7 million, which is 22 percent more than a year earlier.

Popular tourist destinations in Lviv region are: the Carpathians (Skole and Turka districts, the Skolivski Beskydy national park), health resorts (Truskavets, Morshin, Skhidnytsia), as well as castles of Lviv region.

The average length of stay of tourists in the region is 12-14 days in resorts with mineral waters, three days in mountain areas and one day in small tourist cities (Zhovkva, Drohobych, Belz and Sambir).

According to the department’s estimates, the average budget per holidaymaker for a weekend in the region is Hr 2,500 (including accommodation, meals, transportation and souvenirs).