You're reading: Lavrov: Both Moscow, Kyiv interested in settling Donbas crisis

NEW YORK CITY – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed the situation in Donbas during their conversation on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session.

“There were no negotiations, this was a conversation. We discussed where we are, and both sides expressed interest in resolving the situation in Donbas in accordance with the Minsk Agreements,” Lavrov told journalists on Sept. 25.

Lavrov said he had heard controversial remarks by Zelensky’s advisors that “there will be no [special] status of Donbas,” and therefore said he welcomed the Ukrainian president’s words.

“After all, I’ll take into account what the president of Ukraine told me, not what’s been reported about his team’s remarks,” Lavrov said.