You're reading: Kyiv reports three wounded soldiers amid five separatist attacks

Russia-backed separatists have attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas five times in the past 24 hours, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), the press center of the headquarters of Ukraine’s military operations has reported.

“In total, during the past day, separatists conducted five targeted attacks along the entire contact line at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result of separatist fire three Ukrainian militaries were injured,” the press center of the headquarters of Ukraine’s military operations reported on Facebook on February 27 morning.

In the Luhansk sector, the Russia-backed separatists fired over ten 120mm shells toward the village of Troyitske.

In the Donetsk sector, the separatists used 120mm mortars near the village of Pisky. In the afternoon, the separatists shelled the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Lebedynske. The separatists opened fire from small arms in the village of Kamianka.