You're reading: Criminals facing up to 10 years in prison for Molotov cocktail attack on St Andrew’s Church

The Kyiv police have launched two investigations into the March 15 morning incident when unidentified persons threw Molotov cocktails at the doors of the foundation building of St Andrew’s Church in Kyiv, which is now under renovation.

The police said the criminals will be facing up to 10 years in prison for those crimes.

Also, the police said they had found a backpack near the church, which most likely belongs to the thugs.

Andriy Kryschenko, chief of the Kyiv Police, said during a live talk at 112.Ukraina TV Channel that, according to the latest reports, “no fewer than four persons” were involved in the commitment of the crime.

Also, he said that the police discovered a few more cocktail bombs inside the backpack.