You're reading: Kubiv proposes China to build logistics corridor to EU through Ukraine

First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv has proposed that the government of the People’s Republic of China build a logistics corridor to the EU through Ukraine.

“The best approach for the further building of the Chinese express to Europe, which the PRC government is talking about, is to create routes through Ukraine. We offer our Chinese colleagues a joint project portfolio: the development of port infrastructure, alternative energy facilities, the construction of roads and bridges, the development of railway facilities and airports, high technologies, cooperation in the aerospace field, processing agricultural products,” Kubiv said at the second international forum “One Belt. One Road” in Beijing.

He also added that Chinese experts had held consultations with Ukrainian colleagues regarding the participation of Ukraine and China in the development of the Trans-Caspian international transport route, which will ensure the delivery of goods from China to EU countries.