You're reading: Klimkin supports extending transition period for implementation of language law in education

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin supports the extension of the transition period for implementing Language Article 7 of the law on education to four or five years, and is awaiting the warming of relations with Hungary.

“We must seize the initiative on Transcarpathia. This will not happen today or tomorrow. But we must do this, including in the context of implementation of the law on education. And here we must extend the transition period,” he said on the air of Inter TV Channel.

“How will we teach everyone to do what we want in two years?” the minister noted.

According to him, it is necessary to change the methodology in the field of education when transiting to the Ukrainian language.

Klimkin added that this would take four or five years.

Meanwhile, he predicted a “thaw” in relations with Hungary in the near future.

“[Relations with Hungary] will become warmer in the near future,” the Foreign Minister said.