You're reading: Hromadske: How is president-elect Zelenskiy’s team being formed?

Days before Ukraine went to the polls, a team of investigative journalists at published correspondence between staff of president-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s election headquarters. It talked about four groups of influence within the headquarters of the new president. These were called “Uncle” – referring to people associated with oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, “Kvartalivtsi” – referring to Zelenskiy’s partners in the Kvartal 95 Studio, an entertainment production company, “Nizhnie” – people close to lawyer Serhiy Nizhniy and “Regions” – those coordinated by Ilya Pavlyuk, former aide to deputy Ihor Kaletnik. Hromadske looked at who makes up Zelenskiy’s team and whether the four groups of influence really exist.

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