You're reading: Hanapolsky, Kiselev talk about security meeting for persons on Russia’s hitlist

Journalists and news presenters from Priamy TV channel Matviy Hanapolsky and Evgeny Kiselev have said Ukrainian law-enforcement officials told them about the list of people, who live and work in Ukraine and who displease Russian authorities.

“The meeting was related to the Babchenko case and about protecting journalists who today work in Ukraine,” Hanapolsky said on Priamy TV on June 1 after the meeting.

Hanapolsky said law-enforcement officials from a number of agencies were at the meeting. He said they did “a huge amount of work” to prevent the assassination of Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko in Kyiv.

Hanapolsky said persons who attended the meeting promised in writing not to divulge details of the meeting.