You're reading: Deficit of Ukraine’s state budget stands at Hr 35 billion in November

The deficit of Ukraine’s state budget for January-November 2019 was Hr 34.86 billion, while the deficit of the general fund amounted to Hr 38.08 billion with the plan being Hr 55.34 billion, according to data on the website of the State Treasury Service.

According to the agency, borrowings for the specified period amounted to Hr 394.732 billion, in particular in the general fund some Hr 384.2 billion with the plan being Hr 383.61 billion. External borrowings amounted to Hr 73.6 billion, those in the general fund some Hr 63.04 billion with the target standing at Hr 62.46 billion.

Repayments for the 11 months amounted to Hr 337.18 billion with a plan of Hr 345.74 billion, in particular, external repayments totaled Hr 83.4 billion with a plan of  Hr 84.45 billion.

Privatization brought Hr 531 million with the plan being Hr 15.44 billion.

For the 11 months of this year, the state budget received Hr 899.7 billion in revenue, including Hr 792.2 billion in the general fund. State budget expenditures for this period amounted to Hr 933.45 billion, in the general fund some Hr 834.712 billion.

According to the report of the State Treasury, local budgets closed the reporting period with a surplus of Hr 28 billion with the total fund surplus standing at Hr 84.6 billion.