During the meeting with Ukrainian lawmakers, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said the ministry is making every effort to create normal conditions for holding exercises at military training grounds.
“Eleven improved barracks (including one for female servicemen), have already been built at the Shyroky Lane. All were built in last year,” the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry quoted Poltorak on Friday.
The report says that at the moment the whole complex in Shyroky Lane is under construction, which includes: improved-type dormitories, designed for 4,000-6,000 people, a canteen, a cultural center, a bath and a laundry complex, a medical and sports center, roads, infrastructure, purification systems, transformer stations, water supply and sewerage system are being built.
“We plan to complete the work this autumn to create normal conditions for conducting exercises,” Poltarak said.