You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Tuesday, Sept. 11
  • Israeli volunteer Bari Bonen was found dead in his Kyiv apartment. He was a press officer for the Georgian Legion, a volunteer armed group that fought in the Donbas under the commandment of the Ukrainian Army.
  • Good news from Brussels:Ukrainian government and the European Commision will sign a 1-billion-euro aid program on Sept. 14. The first tranche will be disbursed later this fall. 
  • Two armored ships have been deployed to Berdyansk port to beef up Ukrainian naval presence in the Azov Sea where Russian coastal guards have been illegally stopping vessels en route to the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk.
  • Imprisoned in Russia, Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov drew up his will as his health keeps getting worse as a result of four months on hunger strike.
  • Saudi Arabia’s state-run Salic is nearing a deal to buy one of Ukraine’s largest agroholdings, Mriya,Bloomberg reported.
  • Ukrainian state railway received the first locomotive from the General Electric as part of a $1 billion deal with the US conglomerate that will supply 200 locomotives over the next 10 years. By the end of this year, Ukraine should receive 30 GE locomotives which will partially be assembled at the Kryukiv Railway Car Manufacturing Plant in Poltava Oblast.