You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Thursday, April 4

2019 Presidential Election

  • The Central Election Commission counted 100 percent of the vote. Volodymyr Zelenskiy won in 19 out of 24 oblasts. Poroshenko led in western Ukraine: Lviv and Ternopil Oblasts. Yuriy Boyko led in eastern Ukraine: Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Yulia Tymoshenko won in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.
  • President Poroshenko responded to Zelenskiy’s challenge in a video of his own. He said the campaign isn’t a show but agreed to debate at the Olimpiyskiy stadium in Kyiv and to take a drug test. Now the two can’t decide on a lab. 
  • In a new video, Zelenskiy invited Yulia Tymoshenko to be the debate moderator.
  • 73.5 percent of Ukrainians believe that two presidential candidates have to debate before the runoff, according to the survey by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation.
  • After a third failure, Anatoly Grytsenko said he would not run for president anymore

In non-election news

  • A bungled car bombing killed a would-be assassin in Kyiv
  • Ivana Kudri Street in Kyiv has been renamed after Arizona Senator John McCain.

Business news

  • Foreign companies may open accounts in Ukrainian banks without having to register a local office — National Bank of Ukraine
  • Remittances from Ukrainians abroad amounted to $10.8 billion in 2018, Polish website Rzeczpospolita reported. Ukrainian immigrants in Poland sent the most money home: $3.6 billion, a 16 percent increase since the previous year. Russia is in the second place; Ukrainians sent under $1 billion from there.

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